Employment Objectives
Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology.
Master of Science degree in Mathematics, Eindhoven University of Technology. Specialisation: coding theory and cryptology.
October 1990 - C (Rekencentrum TU Eindhoven)
May 1992 - Yourdon (CGI Systems)
1993/1994 - Leergang Instroom TNO, groep 12 (TNO)
1995 - OPNET course (OPNET)
December 1996 - Personal Management (Intermediair Management Training)
March-April 1998 - Adviseren voor stafmedewerkers (GITP)
October-November 1999 - Leidinggeven aan professionals (GITP)
TNO Researcher/Consultant
In 1991 I joined the Telematics and Information Security group at the TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory (TNO-FEL) where my knowledge of cryptology contributed to the realisation of several projects. One of these projects aimed at an international demonstrator of communication systems network interoperabilityin which I was responsible for the implementation of the ISO Network Layer Security Protocol.
Other projects concerned the evaluation of a communications network according to the Code of Practice for Information Security and a technology assesment of privacy enhancing technologies in today's information and communications technology. The latter project was conducted in close cooperation with the Dutch Privacy Commissioner (De Registratiekamer) and resulted in a joint publication.
From mid 1995 till April 1996, I am involved in several simulation projects and the development of a Telecommunications Simulation Facility at TNO-FEL. The simulation facility aims at an efficient and effective implementation of simulation models of military and civilian communication systems.
April 1997 - September 1998
Unisource NL, Security Officer Operations International.
As the security officer of the Operations
(OINT) unit I advised the management team about the security
of the services
delivered by the unit, performed audits, handled security
incidents was
involved in several security related projects.
The unit builds and manages the LAN Interconnect
for medium to large size corporations with or without subsidiaries
in other
European countries. These private networks are managed from the
Management Center in the Netherlands. Apart from an Operations
and Implementation
department the Unit comprised a support department where
the internal network
and management systems were managed. All together,
about 150 emloyees are
working in this unit. The technological infrastructure
was large and complex,
consisting of many Unix servers, a LAN with hundreds
of Windows workstations
and many LAN-Interconnect networks build on the
Cisco platform.
Specific projects, tasks ans results:
- develop and install tools and procedures for password management on
LAN and the Unix servers,
- develop and install tools and procedures for password management
on the
Cisco routernetworks,
- develop a Contingency Plan for the Unit,
- audit the management of the internal firewall,
- test the infrastructure on external visibility,
- chairman of the Unisource Comuter Emergence Response Team UNI-CERT,
- coordinate internal and external security incidents.
Main result of this period is that I learned that security is a matter of people and organisation first and technology second. Apart from that I learned how a large organisation operates a commercial service.
September 1998 - April 2000
Unisource NL/KPN, Development Manager Internet Services.
The Development Manager is responsible for the development of new services.
Specific tasks and responsibilities:
- the day-to-day management of 12 professionals,
- discuss and agree on new developments with the Product Manager,
- reponsible for the cost of the products,
- responsible for the planning of the developments,
- keep track of new developments in the securty market,
- supplier management, mainly SUN and Checkpoint,
- coach individual employees,
- define targets for employees,
In my case the services comprises the Value
Added Services of the Internet Access Service and the Secure Access Services.
The VAS services consist of DNS, mail-backup, mail-relay, News, proxy and
the web-site www.kpn.netwith customer
reporting. The Secure Access Services consist of different type of firewalls
with the Managed
Firewall Service on the SUN/Checkpoint platform as the
main part.
The development team is part of the Internet
Service Unit in which other departments implement and operate the services
for the customers. The hand-over of new services to these operational departments
is one of the biggest challenges in my work.
KPN, Development Manager Security Services.
As of April 2000 the growth in managed security services was such that I had to drop the development in Internet Value Added Services. During this period the security portfolio was broadened in several ways. Apart from high-level service KPN offered also medium and low-level services. New platforms and functionality were introduced in the managed services: the Nokia IP hardware platforms, The VPN gateway and VPN Client functionality. The most recent development are in the area of Intrusion Detection Services, Content Filtering and light-weight firewalls in combination with ADSL services.Extended Majority Voting and Private-key Algebraic-Code Encryptions, J. Meijers and J. van Tilburg, Abstracts ASIACRYPT '91, November, 1991.
Super-visible codes, J.Francke and J.J.H Meijers, Discrete Mathemetics 110 (1992) pp. 119-134, 1992.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies, The path to anonymity, Achtergrondstudies en verkenningen, Registratiekamer, 1995.
Digitale bewaking van de privacy, Beveiliging - het vaktijdschrift voor security management, jaargang 9, nummer 5, mei 1996.
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, Annual Conference 1997, Bristol, June 1997
Checkpoint Experience 2001, Paris, May 2001
Checkpoint Experience 2002, Dublin, May 2002
July 2002