Joost Meijers' resume

Employment Objectives

Educational Background Courses

October 1990 - C (Rekencentrum TU Eindhoven)

May 1992 - Yourdon (CGI Systems)

1993/1994 - Leergang Instroom TNO, groep 12 (TNO)

1995 - OPNET course (OPNET)

December 1996 - Personal Management (Intermediair Management Training)

March-April 1998 - Adviseren voor stafmedewerkers (GITP)

October-November 1999 - Leidinggeven aan professionals (GITP)


Publications Conferences

Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, Annual Conference 1997, Bristol, June 1997

Checkpoint Experience 2001, Paris, May 2001

Checkpoint Experience 2002, Dublin, May 2002

Last Edited
July 2002

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